One thought on “Unfailing Help

  1. In Hebrew, words like shem ( name), nishmat (breath) have the same root and refer to what comes out from the inner person. The Bible significance of the “name” is not the same like in our post modern culture. The name means, what one is inside. So, our help is the Name of the Creator, the foundation on that we are building our life is what God is inside, He is absolutely “faithful”, He is invariably “love”, and He is without exception “correct and right” – This is His Name that He presented even to Moses on Horeb mountain. His name is the unmovable rock of our help. If we want to make a reference even to the Name Yahvé, this is formed of two words: a pronoun Ye, “I”, and a noun Hava, the Hebrew name of Eve, that means, “existence”. So, Yahvé means “I am the existence”, everything that exists, exists becouse I exist, I am the source of the life, of the existence. Even in this sense His name is the foundation of any help we receive.


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