There is Still Hope!

“ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’”

Jeremiah. 29:11 (NLT)

One thought on “There is Still Hope!

  1. The human mind is like a three-legged stool. Man has three existential psychological needs, three S: safety, self-esteem and sense or meaning of life. If one of these needs is not satisfied, the stool of the mind collapses and the person panics. We make many human efforts to ensure an optimal satisfaction of these three needs, but no matter what we do, there are moments in life when only God can maintain a necessary level of satisfaction of these needs. For example: if you are in a block of flats on a higher floor and an earthquake starts, you lose your sense of security, so instead of panicking and jumping out of the window, you pray and put your hope in God that even if you die, He will awake from the sleep of death on the day of resurrection; if you were a respected person and you committed a crime and you end up in prison you lose your self-esteem, but, instead of drinking alcohol or drugs or thinking about suicide, you ask God for forgiveness and you find your self-esteem in His rehabilitation who makes you His son by faith; or if you have only one child who is about 20 years old and dies in an accident, you lose the meaning of life, but you don’t commit suicide or drown in alcohol, but you put your hope in the resurrection of the dead and waiting for that day, you find the sense of life in serving fellow men for God’s sake. Only God can give us a full future and hope.


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