One thought on “The Lord is Holy ??

  1. The Holy One of Israel is The Lord of Hosts, more exactly The Lord of the corporative structure. All the social structure created of God are corporative, that is function as an organism, following rhe model of the Divinity. In the Trinity the Father is the Head, and He consider the Son and the Holy Spirit as His Alter-ego, as part of Him, He identifies with Them. And all identify with one another. They have different and complementary functions and together are One. So they collaborate in all that They do, and the law of Their existence is named Love, that imply Identification, complementarity and cooperation in a unity of the will. Following this model organic, all the social structure created by God are corporative, organic: the family, the church and so on. At the end, God is the Head of all this structure and His holiness is just His Love that is the law of all this social corporstions (cirpus = body).


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