The Second Vision

Daniel Receives his Second Vision

Daniel’s second vision takes place in Babylon, as outlined in chapter 8. It is an expansion of chapter 7–”repeat and enlarge”, as some Bible teachers like to call it. Unlike chapter 7 (Daniel 7:4) though, chapter 8 begins with Medo-Persia and predicts the rise of Persia greater than the Medes (Daniel 8:3-7, 20). If Belshazzar only knew what Daniel saw in this vision, he would have shuddered!

That Babylon does not get itemized in the vision leads one to believe that it would make a rather imminent departure. Having read the previous chapters, one also can safely assume that these chapters were not necessarily in chronological order. Thus, the division of historic vs prophetic chapters, beginning with chapter 7 with the exception of chapter 2.

Each of the beasts in chapter 8 corresponds to a beast in chapter 7, without Babylon, as mentioned, and is subsequently interpreted to be a corresponding nation (Daniel 7:17). Unseen voices interject the vision, and the angel Gabriel interprets it. The revisit of the “little horn” concept shows a rising, yet powerful force (Daniel 8:9-12). As in chapter 7 (Daniel 7:8, 20, 21, 24-26) , this little horn power is antagonistic to God and seeks to overthrow or at least undermine His sovereignty and right to receive worship as the Creator (Revelation 14:7).

Chapter 8 introduces the longest time prophecy (Daniel 8:13, 14), but without benefit of the following chapter, it leaves one to wonder, as did Daniel, who is both mentally and physically drained at this point.


Heavenly Father, please tune our minds to acknowledge and worship You as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. You are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. We pray this in the matchless name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

I pray this post has blessed you. Please like, comment, share, and subscribe. For prayer requests and further Bible study on Daniel and Bible prophecy, please contact me via Robert Blake (Hello 8055).

A Visionary Leader

Daniel 7 begins the formal section of the book on prophecies. It provides further insight into the life of a visionary leader. Though Daniel interpreted a dream, albeit prophetic, in chapter 2, it was the king’s dream and not his. Chapter 7 repeats many of the elements of chapter 2, including the beginning of Babylon (Daniel 7:4-7 vs Daniel 2:38-40). It then takes the items a couple of steps further.

By this time, Nebuchadnezzar was off of the scene and Daniel already had his escapade with Darius and the princes in chapter 6. He is a senior leader and well advanced in years. Having passed at least a couple of major tests, God permitted him to “come on up a little higher.” Now he comes into personal contact with celestial beings and no longer has dialogues with human subjects. Daniel was truly a visionary leader.

We are first introduced to the concept of the little horn power (Daniel 7:8), as well as the first foray into the 2300 days prophecy (Daniel 8:14)–namely the 1260 days or years (Daniel 7:25; Revelation 11:2, 3; Revelation 13:5). We find biblical support for a prophetic day equaling a literal year in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:5, 6.

Chapter 7, as mentioned, sets the stage for chapter 8 and subsequent chapters. Yes, chapter 2 was an overview, whereas chapter 7 begins the deep dive. It is so deep, even Daniel becomes a bit shaken and disoriented (Daniel 7:15, 28)–a scene that gets repeated twice, at a minimum. He witnessed a parade of nations, last day events, and also saw firsthand the end time judgment scene itself, presided over by God Himself (Daniel 7:9-10, 12-14, 22, 26-27).


Heavenly Father, we want to be visionary leaders, led by the truth of Your Word. Lead us please, as we continue to study it and discover not only Your plans for our earthly lives but also how we fit into the plans for Your heavenly kingdom. We humbly ask this in the worthy name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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For prayer requests and further Bible study on Daniel and Bible prophecy, please contact me via Robert Blake (Hello 8055).