God Delivers Us

Daniel is curiously absent in the narrative for chapter 3. We can safely assume that he was not there and definitely did not bow. What is concerning, however, is that we can safely assume that there were others of their nationality present who bowed. So that Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah did not bow poses even greater significance to the story. Not only did they stand up and stand out among those that didn’t believe in God the Creator but also among their peers, which is often much harder to do. To do what is right among those that know it is right, but still choose to do wrong, takes courage. Unfortunately, however, it is our peer group who often gives us a bad name or even sells us out! Things have not changed, still God delivers us.

God Delivers Us

As the drama unfolds past the building of the immense statue, obviously King Nebuchadnezzar wanted the “head of gold” to exist in perpetuity. He seems to have forgotten the “stone kingdom” portion of the dream. The three young men find themselves face to face with the king for testing again. The king presented the challenge to them, yet they did not waver. In response to so-called options, they retorted in uncompromising fashion. The English Standard Version renders it this way in verse 17: “If this be so, our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.” At first read, the word “if” seems to pose an element of doubt or capitulation.

Given the context of their previously displayed faith (Daniel chapter 1, https://robert-a-l-blake.com/dream-of-the-king/), I believe it is appropriate to substitute the words “since” or “because” in place of the conditional word “if”. Based on their follow-up statement in verse 18—“but if not”, the condition did not implicate God’s existence or power. Instead, it reflected on His willingness to rescue them. We find the latter to be true, as not only does God allow them to be cast into the furnace, but joins them there! We read the king’s response to this climactic close to the chapter (Daniel 3:24-30), but one can only imagine the impression this made on their fellow countrymen.


“Heavenly Father, help us stand for You at all times, no matter who is looking or compromising their beliefs. Keep us faithful to You, knowing that if we stand up for You, that You will stand up for and deliver us. In Jesus’ wonderful name we pray, amen.”

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Dream of the King

Daniel chapter 2 is the first of the book’s prophecies and brings Daniel himself more into the forefront, as alluded to earlier (https://robert-a-l-blake.com/integrity-without-exception-daniel-the-narrative/). God sends a dream to King Nebuchadnezzar, who is a heathen deity. Yet, he is not beyond the capability of being used by God. In fact, this dream of the king outlined the stage of world events from his time to the second coming of Christ.

Why didn’t Daniel or one of his companions receive the dream directly? God can use anyone and wants to save everyone. The apostle Paul describes it this way: “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” I Timothy 2:3, 4. The king has a close encounter with the Monarch of heaven and confesses Him as God of all, as we will see later on in the book!

Who is in charge here?

This is the core of the book of Daniel. Yes, the other prophecies are important and serve as bulwark components of faith. The underlying theme is God as the Master Conductor of history and world events on the universal stage. This point is so crucial that it echoes and weaves itself throughout the pages of Scripture. It is paramount that we understand and acknowledge this. He is the same God today Who desires to be intimately involved in each of our lives. There is great potential in store for our lives if we connect our lives with God—the possibilities are limitless!

The Dream’s Interpretation

Daniel received the dream’s interpretation because of earnest prayer after failure by the so-called magicians — a nod to the Moses-Pharaoh drama 1,000 years previously (Exodus 8:19). God is the same today—“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:7. We often take this verse out of context to mean literally what it says—anything—a Ferrari, $10 million! The verses before and following this text set the stage for what is the object—the Father’s glory and obedience to His commandments. Daniel exemplified the latter part of James 5:16—“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”


Dear Lord, help us spend time in Your word in order to receive direction for each aspect of life. Help each of us to develop a close relationship with You that when You speak, we will recognize Your voice. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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