Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in Heavenly Peace – Psalm 4

Psalm 4 almost mirrors or echoes the preceding passage in that David, although he is in distress, calls upon the Lord for help. It is still early in the book, but already shows reliance on God. Despite being opposed and oppressed by foes, identified this time as “sons of men”, he has confidence that the Lord hears him. His relationship with God is so secure, that he is sure that God is there and not too busy or disinterested in his plight. In fact, he can sleep in heavenly peace.

In this chapter, as opposed to chapter 3, he doesn’t even take the time to recount the strength of his foes beyond verse two. He casually refers to it, then moves forward to extol the mercies of God and the benefits of serving Him. Not only has God delivered him from trial, but He has blessed him despite his troubles. That change, of course, must have baffled his opponents!

Sleep in heavenly peace

He‌ encourages readers to worship the Lord and trust in Him. In similar fashion as before, the ability to sleep without fear is a concurrent aspect of this Psalm and again, David is not hesitant to take a well-needed rest at night knowing that the Lord has ordained it and gives him peaceful repose. He can sleep in heavenly peace.

Oh, if we could ever trust God like this. Instead of monitoring and trembling at the perils surrounding us, if we could only look to “Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)”, the One from whom our help comes. When the storms of life come crashing around us, it is such a comfort to know that we can both lay “down in peace, and sleep, knowing that it is the ‘Lord, only’ Who makest [us] dwell in safety (verse 8).” Trusting God, we too can sleep in heavenly peace.


Dear Father, we are in Your hands and under Your care. Please help us remember that safety comes from You. As we take our nightly rest, help us never to fear, but to sleep well—in heavenly peace. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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3 thoughts on “Sleep in Heavenly Peace – Psalm 4

  1. The best treatment for insomnia is to become friends with God. Generally sleep is disturbed by negative feelings and memories, by guilt, fear, anxiety … God forgives, cares, protects, loves, saves … gives peace. Good night!


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