One thought on “Redeemed

  1. Jesus taught us not to fear them that are able only to destroy our body, but to fear Him that can destroy body and soul in the lake of fire. As the entire content of my iPhone is kept in iCloud, in a similar way God conserves for the day of resurrection the self of all the people that are sleeping in total unconsciousness the sleep of death. But not all will be awakened in the same moment. Those who did what is good will be awakened at the resurrection for life and those who did what is wrong for the resurrection for condemnation (see John 5:28-29). We learned in this life to value the tent, the body, the external part of our being, but God appreciates the soul, our real self, and the attitude that we have in relation with Him, if we love Him or not, if we are faithful to Him or not, and if the character, the print of His person is reproduced in us. Then if one of His children dies God is happy anyway, as it us written in Ps 116:15: “Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His saints”, because He knows that that one is His, is saved to Him. Many times He permits our enemy to touch our body, but the evil one cannot touch the soul of His loved, of them that love Him and obey His commandments.


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