One thought on “Our Creator God 🙌🏾

  1. Chapter 4 of Hebrews suggests that the Father found rest in His Son when, after finishing His creation He entrusted it to the Son as Lord of creation, because it was in good hands. Then the Father invites any man to share His rest, choosing the Son as Lord of his own life, and to relax because his life is in good hands. So the Son is the Lord of the Sabbath and the Sabbath is the day of the Lord, that is, of the Son. Then what to do on Sabbath? To stay face to face with the Son, knowing Him, to be transformed in His image, for His personality to be impressed on you, and to be transferred to you. So, the Son is the Lord of the Sabbath that sanctifies us, this is the key of the Sabbath commandment. That is why we respect this day, we dedicate it to the Lord.


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