

Chapter 11 ended as the world collapsed into a religious miasma, whereas chapter 12 opens with Michael, Christ standing up as if to say–”Enough!” Another time we see Christ standing is ironically in the year AD 34, at the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:55, 56), the end of the time period allotted to the ancient Jewish nation as discussed in Daniel 9. Chapter 12 is the final chapter of Daniel and opens as a climax to the scene, which started in chapter 9. It comes to a close in two different ways, depending on one’s viewpoint and purpose for reading the book.

If one reads the book of Daniel as a mere historical composite, then chapter 12 poses a cliffhanger, for it leaves one in suspense and shrouded with many unanswered questions. If one reads it as yes, a historical tome, but with a spiritual eye, then one recognizes it is book one of a two-book biopic, if you would. Daniel up to this point has been granted privy to the closing scenes of earth’s history–at least to a point. It gave him a bird’s-eye view, as well as a closer inspection. For whatever reason, this insight is now being abruptly removed, and it leaves him to wonder. 

Bible Prophecy

The book closes with three time prophecies (1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days). Again, the greater details are beyond this devotional. It is important to recognize that these are not arbitrary or isolated periods. They are part and parcel of the original 2300-day prophecy, as presented in Daniel 8:14. Thus, when studying them, it is important to keep them in this proper context. Again, each day represents a year in Bible prophecy, as discussed earlier (Daniel 9). We set the beginning date of 457 BC. Thus, by calculation, the ending date of the 2300-day (year) prophecy is 1844. One can then calculate each timeline based on these dates.


The chapter ends and Gabriel graciously ushers Daniel off of the scene in verse 4. Daniel protests and Gabriel retorts in verse 9 with “Enough!”. This leaves Daniel’s visions and timelines to unfold just as foretold centuries before they took place. Spoiler alert! Another prophet, 500+ years later and also in captivity, opens the so-called closed book (Daniel 12:4, 9). The apostle John continues the saga in the New Testament book of Revelation.


Heavenly Father, we praise You for Your loving care by showing us the future in Your Word. Help us study it and align ourselves with Your purpose for us. In the wonderful name of Your Son, Jesus, Michael, the great Prince of Peace.

I pray this post has blessed you. Please like, comment, and share!

2 thoughts on “Enough!

  1. Jesus is the the main actor of Daniel’s book. He accompanied the young Hebrew boys, promoted them, gave them wisdom to pass exams , to explain dreams, and so on. He made Himself visible in the furnace of fire and delivered them. He humiliated Nebuchadnezzar and converted Him. He sent His angel to write that message on the wall in 5th chapter, and gave to Daniel the meaning of that writing. He closed the mouth of the lions and delivered Daniel. He is the Son of man that came to take the kingdom from the Ancient of Days. He is the Anointed and the Sacrifice. He helps Gabriel to convince the king of Persia, and at the end He is the Deliverer, and the Stone that transforms everything that man made without God into dust.. And these examples are only few. The list can continue, and one can actually write a book on this subject. The message of this is that those at the end who will rest, will be honoured, will win and will be happy are they that are one with Jesus, together with Him. To be one in will and action with Jesus is the only winning chance and the real key of the ever sustainable success.


  2. Hallelujah, Thank U Jesus, Amen 🙏 Thanks U for this meditational moment. I will be do some additional research & reading! 🙏👣


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