One thought on “Let the Lord Lead You ??‍♂️

  1. The Bible gives us a lot of examples where God influenced the mind of a person to take a certain decision as He wanted (Pharaoh, Cyrus, etc.), and we do not have an absolute free will as we think. All that we have is the free arbiter, more exactly we can say freely “Yes” to God. Instead we say: “No” to God, automatically we enter in the team of the adversary. If we say and continue to say: “Yes” to God than He guide our steps. If we say: “No” to God,,, He doesn’t abandon us immediately but, in function of this capital decision He gives us instead a direction in life, so that He can determine to turn back to Him. However , all the interventions of God in our life are for good. With God we are all mighty, but without Him we are an easy victim to the evil one.


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