Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh – Psalm 9

This Psalm is one of those mixed passages because it starts with praise and has a smattering of prayers as pleas and thanksgiving. The psalmist provides no context, and it appears to ebb and flow within the situation. It is not exactly clear if one event happens in phases or concurrent concerns. At first the psalmist praises God for deliverance from his enemies, then pleads with God for deliverance, and then immediately thanks God for deliverance. One thing is certain though, he knows where his help comes from. To him, Jehovah Jireh was a lived experience.

Jehovah Jireh – The Lord will provide

The Psalms provide an appropriate outline on giving praise to God. Praise God for His attributes, praise Him for what He has done. Praise HIm for his potential and praise Him once again for His attributes. He is careful to not only give praise to God but also render thanks. We rarely thank and praise God enough one author says. There are many overlooked blessings taken for granted. The ability of our senses, our required needs, and our selfish wants sometimes occur without an expression of gratitude. This is not the case with David. Although he knew the Lord will provide, he didn’t take Him for granted.

Not only does he request help on his behalf, but he also defends God’s reputation as the wicked attempt to bring disgrace to or discredit God’s sovereignty. This is another theme throughout the Psalms in that David is certain to defend the honor of God. How often do we take a stand for God in our daily affairs? Does the way we conduct ourselves bring glory and honor to God or does it discredit Him?  

Again, this is only chapter 9 and David is just getting his instrument of praise in tune! One sees in this psalm, as in many others, that David, at least in this phase of his life, maintains an ongoing dialogue with God. His petitions of God are not happenstance or spurious; they are part of an outgrowth of relationship. He understood the concept even then of Abba Father and Jehovah Jireh.


Heavenly Father, You are our Provider. Nothing we have comes of our own doing. We completely depend on You for even the very breath we take. Help us realize this and not only praise but thank You. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Whose name alone is Wonderful. Amen.

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