3 thoughts on ““It Will be Worth it All”

  1. Would you risk your life for one billion of dollars. Many would. But what difference is between a billion of dollars and to be partaker of the authority, life, glory and the possibilities of the Son of God for ever.. So, suffering even the death for your faithfulness to Jesus you don’t lose anything because He will resurrect you and take you with Him for ever. That’s why the present sufferings for Jesus are not worthy to be compared with the unimaginable glory prepared for the children of God in Jesus.


  2. I was also reminded recently by another brother in Christ that suffering and oppression are expected while on this earth as we believers are “sojourners and foreigners” whose citizenship is in heaven. We know that we are saved in hope and as we suffer with Christ we will also be glorified with Him. The hostilities of this world will continue to increase and manifest especially in the last days but those of us in Christ shall continue to lead a peaceable life in godliness and dignity in complete obedience to Him.


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