
Intercessor – Psalm 10

David makes grand statements in this chapter. He may refer to himself, perhaps some injustice that was done to him, but more than likely, as an intercessor, he refers to injustice done to someone else. In reading the complete passage, he casts a broad sweep against those that have done ill toward the disadvantaged. It is a theme seen throughout the Old Testament and echoed in the New. It is something that God has proven Himself to have little tolerance. Perhaps in this instance, God has delayed His justice and quieted His anger against a particular or consistent pattern of mistreatment.

David, the Intercessor

David then takes the opportunity to not only identify the concern, but defines the wicked. Nothing overlooked, nothing omitted. Whereas, in chapter one, one had to figure out who the righteous compared to the wicked were, here David leaves no room for doubt. As before, there is no context for his outcry, but that doesn’t limit his appeal to God. Davids stands as an intercessor beckoning God to take notice and do something. David is not seeking a slap on the wrist. He calls for God to shed blood and inflict pain.

This becomes David’s method, as seen in portions of the history books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. There, David sometimes avenges a poor mistreated soul with capital punishment. However, this strikes back at him one day when Nathan the prophet presents a case to him. He later finds that his declared justice stares him in the face. In chapter 10, as prior cases, however, he appeals to God to be the judge and to execute justice based on the issue for which David intercedes.


Dear Lord, we know we all have sinned and remain sinners. Through Your intercession on our behalf, we can accept Your mercy and your grace and become free of guilt and shame. Make us an intercessor for others rather than condemn them. Help us lead someone to You. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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2 thoughts on “Intercessor – Psalm 10

  1. The psalms are not so much prayers to memorize and repeat as they are an example of how to communicate with God, how to praise Him and how to relate with Him. Because in spite of the fact that in most religions of the world the people are repeating prayers learned by heart, God expects from His believers to open their hearts to Him and to communicate with Him openly.


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