One thought on “Huddle Up

  1. One of the most stupid idea that a man can have is that he can harm his neighbor without consequences over himself. We live in an interdependent reality: we share the same universe, the same solar system, the same planet, the same atmosphere, the same water reserve, the same origin, the same social conscience, and so on. Any good or bad act we do to others models our self image and our personality. This verse instead goes deeper and remember that in the church we share the same social body of Christ where we are stones in this building of His sanctuary body, so we need to build one another and encourage one another to well doing, to being faithful to God. Doing so we do a great good to ourself because our Self is bigger then our physical body, it is the Self of Christ that we share like the components of His organism. The wellness of an organ depends on the wellness of all the body. So, building one another is followed by the healthiness of our social organism, healthiness which we will also enjoy later.


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