
The words “Happiness is free!” emblazoned in bold black letters on a brilliant green-yellow T-shirt, spoke volumes. As I spoke with the woman who wore this shirt about her son, she expressed the stress she was under with his current illness. Her demeanor, however, exuded a contagious giddiness. Though discussing a serious matter, we both were at ease as we bantered and mirrored each other’s positivity. By the time our visit concluded, we both were on an emotional high!

Enter COVID-19, known henceforth simply as COVID, as it has been the “gift” that keeps on giving. Like an infestation of lice or scabies, it continues to rear its ugly head. Economically, it has cost many their jobs, careers, or ability to make a living. Physically, it has maimed and most notoriously killed. Psychologically, it has devastated even the most endearing relationships. Spiritually it threatens to disrupt even the heart of one’s connection to God. Emotionally, many no longer experience happiness. It has depleted their innate, God-given joy.

One illness, yet myriad result!

Some have even implicated God as standing idly by, as if to fulfill a prophetic utterance. Where is God they exclaim? Does He not see or care? Yet, this current saga is not unique to some Christians’ walk as they analogize their experience with other so-called Christians who have “disappointed” them.

Let nothing or anyone jade your Christian experience! Guard your personal walk with Jesus as if your life depended on it. Only He can give you true and lasting peace, love, and joy. A favorite text of the beloved pastor, Dr. Mark Finley, is John 10:10–“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I have come that they might have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”. My understanding of this verse is that it applies to today, as well as to the next life.

Although I don’t remember the woman’s name or her masked face, I remember the T-shirt and how our encounter changed me emotionally for the better.

Not only is happiness free, it is contagious! Try a dose today.

One thought on “Happiness

  1. Happiness is common good in the kingdom of God. Whoever is in Jesus takes part of it, no matter what happens in his earthly life, because “ all things work together for good to those who love God” (Rom 8:28


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