
God Gets the Last Laugh – Psalm 2

David begins chapter 2 with a question, which is rather rhetorical. “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?” He presents the case by giving an example. Technically, the chapter continues where he left off in chapter 1, describing the fate of the wicked. As we see in verse 2, there is a justified reason God cannot bless the ungodly. They have rebelled against God and, in fact, it is not a negligent disregard, but is bold and purposeful. In reading the text, it has striking similarities to those building the tower of Babel in stark disregard for God’s authority. Remember, God gets the last laugh!

God gets the last laugh

Thus, in this chapter, as in Genesis 11:4-9, God has no lack of displeasure at their behavior. As David alludes to in verse 2, but then confirms in verses 6-8, not only have they turned their will against God the Father, but have outrightly despised God the Son and His authority over the earth. This is a dominant theme throughout Scriptures started and fueled by the enemy of our souls, as described in Isaiah 14:12-16 and Ezekiel 28:11-19. 

The crux of the great controversy in earth’s saga, is who has the rightful authority to rule not only over the earth, but the entire universe! It is a saga played out in ancient scripture, but remains the primary focus from now until the end of time. The additional elements of the drama concern our responses to the question–who has the authority over the universe and more personally each of our lives? God decided the case; however, there are still choices to be made. 

So in this chapter, as later seen in the book of Hebrews, God the Father sets the record straight, crystal clear and without ambiguity. “Thou art my Son: this day have I begotten thee (Hebrews 1:1-8).” This is the answer to the underlying question, Jesus, God the Son has the authority and has bequeathed it to no other. Our choice tips the balance in this drama.


Our Father and our God, please forgive us where we have taken the wrong path in life. In the end, we want to be on Your side of the equation. So we choose You today through Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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2 thoughts on “God Gets the Last Laugh – Psalm 2

  1. Psalm 2 is a prophecy and a revelation of reality. In this inspired song we see who has the power and understand in whom to trust. Alleluia, the holy and loving God has the power and His Son is the King of all creation! So, the arrogant men of the earth and their master, Satan, are not worthy to be considered, but we need to be subordinated to God, to please Him and to prepare to meet Him, because, at the end He is and remains the Supreme God.


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