The Book of Psalms

The book of Psalms provides an amazing panoply of expression from the pen of David and other authors. I find in the Psalms three rather distinct themes, which often overlap from verse to verse. These themes are praises, promises, and prayers. The psalmist often expresses an abundance of praise and suddenly lurches into an exasperated lament of prayer. The tome is clean cut and focuses on just one theme, more often than not. Occasionally, one cannot parse out the exact emotion being expressed.

The Book of Psalms Made Personal

The psalmist echoes many sentiments that are deep down in my spirit that are difficult, and even impossible, to express. It is refreshing to find my heart yearnings already penned and neatly formatted into verses and chapters! If you have natural tendencies and inclinations of the human family, then the Psalms will most likely resonate with you. Contrarily, if you have a heart of steel, perhaps a few lines may find a penetrable seam to beckon your emotions. Maybe it may engender compassion or even empathy for someone else, if not for yourself. 

I felt impressed this year to journey in the Psalms and to delve deeper into each of these themes. Imagine my surprise when I found my worldwide church denomination is also exploring Psalms for 2024’s first quarter. They plan at least 3-4 years in advance.


Years ago, Mrs. Luetilla Carter, a dear family friend and teacher, introduced me to God’s promises in His Holy Word. She categorized specific areas of life and applicable passages of scripture in her booklet, “Standing on the Promises”. It was such a great reference that I shared it with dozens of people. It was invaluable encouragement to me in school and many points along my life’s journey. I treasured that book so much that it literally came apart at the seams. Although the cover became detached and pages tattered, the verses became etched in my mind. 

In keeping with that theme, the daily verse pictures will reflect promises as found in the Psalms. Peter told the Pentecostal converts in response to their query, “What shall we do?” “Repent, and be baptized for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call (Acts 2:37-39).” 

Join me on a special journey this year in the book of Psalms, as we meditate on God’s Word.


Lord, we thank you for the treasure of Your Word in written form and through Your Son. Help us draw closer to You as we meditate on Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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