A Rich Legacy

Chapter 5 of Daniel brings in elements from previous chapters. For example, chapter 1 introduced the captivity of Daniel and his colleagues. Chapter 2, gave a visual allusion to the gods of metals which preceded the perpetual golden statue in chapter 3. In chapter 4, last week, we witnessed yet another failure of the so-called wise men (https://robert-a-l-blake.com/a-lesson-in-humility/). We find, though, that Nebuchadnezzar had left a rich legacy, which was scorned. The scene in Daniel 5 starts abruptly, without a historical introduction.

Belshazzar’s Last Party

A seemingly uninterpretable message written by a bloodless, not to mention disembodied hand, perplexes the current king, Belshazzar. This occurred during a celebration of sorts. True to tradition, he turned to his court counselors to interpret the message. In Daniel’s rebuke of King Belshazzar, he referenced Nebuchadnezzar’s fall from grace in the preceding chapter. Belshazzar was the son or more likely grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. However, he apparently was not a student of history or a subscriber to it. It is clear, though, that he was not oblivious to what had transpired in the relatively recent reign before him. Daniel rebuked the king’s knowledge base in verse 22. “You knew this, yet you became defiant anyway”, I paraphrase.

Belshazzar’s actions showed arrogance to the nth degree, as he disrespected the God of heaven. Some historians note he knew that the Medes and Persians had surrounded the city. In an act of either drunken insanity or overconfidence, he threw a lavish banquet, anyway. Neglect or divine intervention left the security gates open. Probably the latter, as Isaiah had prophesied it in chapter 45 verse 1. The nation God used to discipline His chosen people was now being punished by God via the Medes and Persians. This was because they had neglected the sovereignty of God.

A Rich Legacy

In chapter 4 of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar’s parting statement was a wonderful testimony from a contrite follower of God. That sentiment obviously did not trickle down to Belshazzar and he, as well as his nation, suffered the dire consequences. It is another lesson for us today. Aligning one’s own life with God is not enough. One must instruct and influence the next generation. That is truly a rich legacy. 


Our dear Heavenly Father. Thank You for the rich legacy You have given us through Your Son. Help us to share this Gift with our family and those closest to us. In doing so, we continue to enjoy Your blessings. We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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Falling Hard: A Lesson in Humility

One week, I talked with someone about Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, which could be a fitting title for chapter 4 of Daniel. Proverbs 16:18 states that “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall”, for which this narrative is a prime example. Despite previous examples of God’s sovereignty (https://robert-a-l-blake.com/god-delivers-us/), Nebuchadnezzar apparently needed another lesson in humility. He had twice previously confessed the God of heaven as the God of gods (Daniel 2:47; Daniel 3:28-29), but still appeared to be unconvinced. It reminds me of Peter and his denial of Christ (Mark 14:29, 66-72) and his subsequent acceptance of Christ’s commission (John 21:15-19).

A Lesson in Humility

God presented Nebuchadnezzar with his third and final lesson in humility. Not only was he forewarned in a dream, as in a previous chapter (Daniel 2), but he stumbled down the same unyielding path as before by requesting help from so-called wise men. After Daniel pointed him in the right direction, along with an admonition of warning, he took the final plunge. The most powerful man on earth then lived as a beast in the field for seven years. True to the prophecy, however, he finally lifted his eyes to heaven and acknowledged the God of Heaven (Daniel 4:37).

Did it take all of that to erase pride? Obviously it did. The Bible also states that they wrote these things as examples (1 Corinthians 10:11). For whom? For us! Nebuchadnezzar needed three experiences of a lesson in humility to recognize the true source of his wealth and power. Some of us may require more or less.

We serve a merciful and gracious God. He longs for our success. Sometimes we get ahead of Him and forget the Source of our blessings. He allows us to experience lessons of humility, but still extends grace and mercy.


Loving Lord, thank You for patiently teaching us to trust in You. When we fall, You pick us up. You never give up on us. A lesson in humility is just another evidence of Your love and desire for us to be more like You. Thank you for Your grace and mercy. Amen.

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