Faithful to the Core

The narrative in Daniel 6 gets very personal for Daniel, as it did in chapter 1. It put Daniel’s faith front and center, challenged not that time by the king’s edict per se, but by jealous colleagues. Co-workers sometimes place us in challenging situations because of jealousy and envy. Our fate is more so loss of sleep, stress, and even loss of job. Daniel faced the real threat of loss of life. In retrospect, the menu dilemma in chapter 1 ( was a preparation for this final showdown. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were not on the scene. They had had their crisis remedied by God’s grace in chapter 3 (, because they displayed that they were faithful to the core. Now it was Daniel’s turn.

Daniel: Faithful to the Core

Daniel was in the habit of praying three times each day. This was his lifestyle, which, I feel, is stronger than habit as it shows what was at his core, a relationship with God. He realized God was with him and had been with him through every aspect of life. He didn’t give the decree for king worship any thought, because it ran against the grain of who he was as a child of God. The only One worthy of worship was and is the Creator God. By continuing his visible relationship with God despite the challenge of death, Daniel proved he was faithful to the core.

This is truly a lesson for today. God has called us to be His children and promises to be with us wherever we are and in whatever situation. He asks us for faithfulness to His cause, not just a verbal surrender, but to the core. 


Creator God, to Whom we owe all allegiance, You have been faithful to us in every aspect of our lives. Please, keep us faithful to You so that we will receive a crown of life (Revelation 2:10). We ask this in the wonderful name of Jesus, amen.

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For prayer requests and further Bible study on Daniel and Bible prophecy, please contact me via Robert Blake (Hello 8055)