Daniel’s Third Vision

Daniel takes a brief respite in chapter 10, from the heavy use of symbolism and prophetic utterances seen in (Daniel Chapter 9). He imposes upon himself a 21-day fast, now known and practiced by many as the Daniel Fast. Daniel uses this fast not just to facilitate his prayer, but to experience an encounter with God. Indeed, Daniel experiences encounters with heavenly messengers as he goes in and out of apparent unconsciousness. Like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others, he recognizes his inadequacies in conversing at such an ethereal level. It is such an overwhelming experience that he loses all strength and the angel Gabriel revives him to fully and appropriately participate. Unquestionably, this sets the stage for Daniel’s Third Vision.

Daniel’s Third Vision: Michael

This chapter is a prelude to another prophetic interpretation, but his and our introduction to Michael the Prince, the Archangel, the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ Himself. This is the first of a handful of references throughout the Bible to Michael–”one Who is like God”. 

Daniel’s tenure spans three kings, including the overthrow of the most powerful nation on earth. It is interesting to think about what is going through his mind. He not only predicts the change in government, but experiences it. He then predicts the overthrow of the conqueror, and the next. His experiences, fascinating as they might be, are not the most meaningful in the grand scheme of things, however.

Daniel’s Third Vision: The Final Battle

Indeed, Daniel provides one of the first direct references to what many do not understand or choose to believe. There is a “behind-the-scenes” supernatural battle that is at play in each of our lives. Angels on both sides of the spiritual conflict attempt to gain the mastery of each of our lives through our minds. The choices we make each day have eternal consequences. There are many conflicts as components to war and our personal decisions are part-and-parcel of the final throes.

“It is Finished!”

This war interests heaven and God Himself is involved, as Daniel clearly describes. Jesus Christ won the war at Calvary (John 19:30). This is good news! Our God is not just omnipotent (all-powerful), He is omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent. The last term has a dual meaning in that He is everywhere at once, but He can also move along the timeline of earth’s history in any direction He pleases. Daniel’s third vision shows that God can take the broken past of an individual and create abundant blessings in the future. God is true to His word. Thus, we can rely on God not just in the events of the past, but to manage our affairs in the present and for the future. This is the God we trust and serve (2 Timothy 1:12)!


Our Heavenly Father, what an awesome God You are! You have proven time and time again that Your word is true. Undeniably, You let us know that You have our best interest at heart and we can trust You. Because of this we simply say, thank You. In the wonderful name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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For more information on this supernatural conflict, I refer you to a remarkable resource which discusses (The Great Controversy).