Out of the Pit

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them.”

Psalm 34:7 (NASB)

My parents did not build their house on a wooded lot. They built it in the woods. There were so many trees felled to prepare the area that in order to save on cost, the builder buried the trees in various areas around the yard, rather than haul them away. As the years went by, the trees rotted and the ground above them sank. In time, there were several deep sink holes, primarily in the back of the yard, which ended up being a blessing in disguise.

During the rainy season, which seems to be every season here, the culverts prevent the accumulated torrent because of the rainfall from cascading down the hill and into the house. When dry, the ditches serve as a refuge for large and small animals including snakes (https://robert-a-l-blake.com/if-the-hose-moves/). I even spied a coyote hiding out among the bushes along the bank one day.

On a summer evening while cutting the lawn, I circled a tree near the culvert and lost control of the riding lawn mower, perhaps because of the speed I was going, as it was late in the evening, or because of a minor lapse of foresight. I miscalculated my correction and found myself and the machine careening headlong into the pit! I only had enough presence of mind to shut off the whirring mower blades as we descended.

Now near the bottom, only prevented by brush, I tried to reverse without success. I tried to rock the mower to no avail. It was then that I noticed the front wheels turned at a peculiar angle and would not straighten. Without thinking, I got off the mower and tried to move it, which at this point felt like a mass of lead, which was also stuck in mud. I then recognized where I was standing and figured it would be a matter of time before something realized my fate and would come to take advantage of me.

Finally, I could straighten the wheels and then pushed again only with minimal results. I exclaimed, “Jesus, help me!” and gave a final push. All four wheels turned as I pushed the tractor uphill and out of the pit! In my “moving company” days, I have used brute force to move sofas, appliances, and so forth, but this instance was beyond my brute strength as it had not worked.

I believe in angels and the power of prayer.

The prophet Daniel found himself in a pit overnight. We don’t know if they escorted, rappelled, or flung him headlong into the lions’ den (Daniel 6:16). We also don’t know if he prayed in desperation as he noticed his surrounding roommates, or did he simply continue his usual regimen of praying three times each day? What we know is that God answered his prayer and sent an angel to shut the lions’ mouths (Daniel 6:22).

What a privilege it is to know that God sees our plights, hears our prayers, and answers with our good in mind. What a wonderful God we serve!

If the Hose Moves

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

Revelation 12:17, KJV

One warm summer day, I went to water the garden and plant sweet potato slips. I turned on the spigot and walked toward the garden. Something in my head said “look down, to the left”, and there I spied it, just a step or two away from the hose. It resembled the hose and looked like a long black branch, common in the yard, but mind you, branches don’t have curves—at least not in this area. Is that a snake?!

Yes, it was black, around four feet, and definitely not my cup of tea. Obviously, neither of us expected the other, so we both paused, and made the best of the encounter. As I was in an otherwise peaceful frame of mind, I didn’t feel the need to induce harm on one of God’s creatures. If it had been my father writing this story, it would have ended rather abruptly as a Haiku:

Look, a snake below

I took it out with one blow

It is cursed you know


Isn’t that a snake?

Yes, but not any longer

Snakes are not my friends

I proceeded to the garden alone, or so I thought. As I picked up the spray nozzle, I again looked down, to the left, and there was my newfound friend, who had also made the 75-foot trek to the garden. This was curious but definitely not a welcomed situation. Again, not expecting each other, or as least I was not, we both paused, and realizing a situation was not about to develop, it turned and slithered off into a dense portion of the garden. I turned and watered the garden.

Seconds later, the snake reemerged and headed straight towards me! “Friend”, I exclaimed, “you really need a hobby!” The garden hoe was there and I could have done what I knew to do. However, again we both paused, and then it meandered off to another portion of the yard to live another day.

Believe it or not, you and I face this scenario almost every day as we are pawns in an unseen spiritual battle as good and evil rage about us. Many attuned to this cosmic warfare recite 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” Thus, this is how they often depict him in movies, TV, books, and other forms of media, as overt and scary.

How many of realize that this is not his only form of approach? Our introduction to the concept of evil came in Genesis 3, where the devil approached Eve not as a brash dragon, but as a smooth, seductive, and sinister serpent. He presented himself as a friend who just wanted companionship, someone to talk over a few ideas. As perfect beings, literally made from the hand of God, dwelling in a most pristine and pure venue, she and her husband fell from grace and generations continue to suffer the consequences.

In retrospect, a divine hoe would have taken care of necessary business. It is not too late, as he presents us with temptations every day. We could pause and consider the ideas presented and therefore fall in the battle or we could swing the mighty sword of God’s Word, as our Example and Savior, Jesus Christ did when He proclaimed the first line of the divine Haiku, “For it is written!”

So as in “Bees in the Cookie Jar” (August 19, 2022), be careful where you place your hands and if the hose moves, don’t pick it up!

On Fire for Christ‘s Sake

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.”
‭‭I Peter‬ ‭4:12-13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Are You Listening?

“And it shall come to pass, that before they call; I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”

Isaiah 65:24

If you haven’t figured it out yet from my photos and writings, I am a nature enthusiast and very fond of animals. There has always been some sort of furry creature involved in my life. If it was not my personal pet, then it was the pet of a friend or family. I would even go to the pet store occasionally just to connect.

Cats and I have a love-hate relationship. They are some of my favorite creatures, as they can be very calm, personable, yet pensive like me. Their drawback is that they can be very impulsive and often in a destructive manner, though usually unintentional. Those of you that have cats or have observed them can vouch that they have fascinating habits and abilities. They can jump to incredible vertical heights from standstill and land without making a sound. They can maintain the same position, almost statuesque, for an indefinite period.

This period of solace often precedes sleep or in some parlance, a catnap, one of several phrases derived from cats including alley cat, tomcat, the cat’s meow, etc. As they slumber, as many can attest, they may appear to be in dreamland, but are never asleep. A unique aspect is that their ears are always perked and unlike dogs or some other animals, who when they sleep, relax or flop their ears, cats’ ears peak at full attention. Having the ability to turn their ears completely backwards, this phenomenon also occurs during sleep in a fashion similar to radar antennae! So, while they may be asleep, they are always listening.

One day while praying, an idea came to mind regarding a seemingly unrelated matter, but I implemented it. In short time, I recall it being the same day or next; a dilemma emerged that resolved by that earlier decision. God had already provided the answer before I had asked Him and before the concern arose!

God is always listening. He hears our spoken pleas, but also the inaudible pleadings of our hearts. In this way, He intercedes before we even ask Him. God never grows tired of hearing our voices, though while He may appear to be sleeping He is always listening.