
“For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalm 91:11

My dogs must be half-wild. At nighttime, the coyotes come around and my dogs join in the howling to support the team as honorary members of the pack. What does this have to do with angels? A lot.

One day, I had to transport them to the veterinarian. As I was rushing, poor planning ensued, and I told myself I would secure them in their harnesses once we arrived at the veterinarian’s office. It was an uneventful ride, unlike when they were puppies and would whine about the entire trip. I arrived and knew taking both inside would be more than I bargained for, so I harnessed one and prepared to extract her from the car. The other jumped out as well. It took all I could muster to wrestle with 140 total pounds of sheer brawn, determination, and disobedience. As the struggle ensued, I realized it was a losing battle on my part. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed the nearby highway and recognized the situation could only get worse. I prayed, as did Peter, while sinking, “Jesus, help me!” Suddenly, there was a voice beside me, “Do you need any help? Are they friendly?” This was no time for sarcasm, and I promptly handed the secured dog’s leash to the stranger who stood next to me. Earlier, I had noticed him get into his truck as I drove in, but had paid no further attention. I quickly hoisted the unharnessed dog into the car and shut the door. I thanked the stranger, profusely thanked him, as I took the leash and walked, or was rather dragged, into the appointment. The receptionist rolled her eyes as she greeted and ushered us to a room. I realized we must have been on center stage as the principal attraction a few minutes earlier.

I believe in angels. No, I can’t say that I looked and the helpful man disappeared or no one had seen a man in a white truck. It was curious that he did not have animals with him–at a veterinarian’s office. It is said that angels pity babes and fools. I resembled the latter category that day, as my angel stranger had averted a definite tragedy. Yes, whether he was a veritable angel is neither here nor there, as the Bible is clear that angels exist.

There are myriad stories scattered throughout the Scriptures of angel visitations and encounters with many of those we call the Hall of Famers in Hebrews 11. We read of Elijah, described as being a “man of like passions”, meaning he was like us but had power through prayer! God will answer prayer and send angels when necessary. The Bible goes on speaking about the ministry of angels and their active role in our lives. Besides the Godhead–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, angels are celestial beings that have specific duties in heaven and on earth. One such duty is to avert the ineptitude of individuals’ poor planning.

The Bible speaks of categories of angels, as well as a divide that took place. During that divide, one-third of the angelic hosts disregarded God’s laws. God cast them out of heaven (Revelation 12:3-9). They attempt to deceive each of us into selecting a similar choice.

Stories of personal encounters with the holy or good angels always intrigue me as I read the Bible. The guardian cherub in the garden of Eden, Lot’s rescuing angels, the angel that shut the lions’ mouths, are a few examples. As expected, given my interest in astronomy, one of my favorite stories recounts the star that conducted the wise men from the east. There followed the angelic messenger’s proclamation to the shepherds and subsequent angelic choir’s jubilation that illuminated the night.

I equally enjoy modern or near-modern day stories of individuals who benefited from angels. Some incidents are quite sensational, whereas some seem routine but fascinating. I know I have caused my angel to work overtime, as I have experienced life to the fullest and not always prudent in my choices. Therefore, I thank God for each breath He has blessed me with, as well as my angel. “For He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalm 91:11.

2 thoughts on “Angels

  1. Great word. Angels don’t always show up in supernatural ways, or superhuman strength,. many times it’s through the quite still of life, and at times in the difficult moments that seems to engulfed us. But they are ever present, leading, guiding us as we maneuver this journey called life.


  2. Just as the Bible says about God’s care: “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways”
    Ps 91:11


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