a shield for me

A Shield for Me – Psalm 3

One Sabbath, I had some promised unhurried time to spend in the Word. I first heard Psalm 3 a few years ago, used in a prayer by one of our associate pastors. It was a powerful recitation and intercession. He took a pregnant pause as he transitioned from a litany of trials to hope–“but Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me”. It was so rich and memorable enough to stay with me since. I have memorized this verse and use it in my own prayers now when I feel troubled and forlorn.

The passage is a prayer in itself that David prayed as he was being pursued by his own son, Absalom, to usurp the throne. It is dramatic and comforting at the same time as only the first two verses express concern for his life given the uprising and deadly pursuit.

A Shield for Me

He immediately pivots in verse 3 to give acknowledgement to his only Hope of protection and deliverance. “But Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of my head.” From that point in the chapter, David speaks only of God’s merits with newfound confidence. What an example for each of us today. 

Only in God can we put our trust–in good times or in bad times. Only God knows our innermost heart pangs and can meet our direst needs. God can take fear away from us and cause us to sleep and awaken refreshed. Only salvation comes from God, as David concludes this brief but powerful chapter. Sometimes we must experience a severe challenge to our faith in order to realize, as did David, that God is “a shield for us”. God gets the glory in our lives, and He can truly lift us up and restore the brokenness and loss. 

This is only chapter 3 and the praises are just getting warmed up! Brace yourself and prepare to praise, to cry, and yes, call on the Lord, the name of the Lord, for He hears and answers prayer!


We praise Thee, O God, for You are indeed a shield for us. You protect from the seen and unseen. You provide our needs sometimes even before we realize the deficit! Help us continually place our trust in You, for You can do above and beyond all that we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). In Jesus’ name, amen.

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