One thought on “A Day of Rest

  1. The Son of God as Lord is the rest of the Sabbath, for the Father, because both in the old creation, when the Father entrusted all the creation to His Son as Logos, the Head of the old creation and in the new creation when Jesus as High Priest by His cross finally gave Him a Head High Priest as Savior and foundation of the new creation. The Son is the rest of the Father because His creation is in good hands. So the Father invites us to share His rest by entrusting ourself fully to Jesus as Lord of our life and find rest in Him together with our heavenly Father. The Sabbath is the weekly ceremony of this experience. We say: “Today we stop working and we share plainly the rest of our Father enjoying and praising the work of our Lord for us because we are saved by faith. (See Heb 4).


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